Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman
Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman Mask Was Going To Be An Easter Egg In Batgirl

It's a sad week for DC fans. With the Batgirl film officially shelved, we're all wondering what might hit the chopping block next. It seems like no project is safe. They even took the comics portion of DC Comics out of DC Comics. Now it's just DC. For the website, anyway. While fans are sitting here worrying about their favorite superheroes, there has been some interesting tidbits being released about Batgirl, though. Most recently it was revealed that there was an easter egg in regards to Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman.

This is no doubt just one of many easter eggs Batgirl probably contained that now we'll never get the chance to see. It makes sense that Pfeiffer's version of Catwoman would be referenced, when you consider the fact that Michael Keaton is in the film. I'm sure you know this already, but if you don't, Michelle Pfeiffer starred as Catwoman in Batman Returns which also starred Keaton as the Dark Knight.

It was in a recent episode of The Town With Matthew Belloni Podcast that Belloni along with Borys Kit from THR revealed that it was Catwoman's mask in the film positioned as an easter egg.

"They do show Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman mask, which I think is something that fans-" Belloni said, while Kit added " A nice easter egg yeah." before Belloni finished with "Yeah, a nice little Easter egg," before adding that Catwoman herself does not appear in the film.

Ironically enough, Pfeiffer was asked earlier in the year whether or not she would consider returning to the role of Selina Kyle/Catwoman.  It was in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, where she had the following to say.

"She pulled off the almost impossible combo of sexy, ironic, tragic, dangerous, and just plain good. It would depend on the context but, yeah, I'd consider it."

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen any time soon. It's nice that we got to learn about the easter egg, even though we'll probably never see it now.

Batgirl was originally slated to come out later this year.

Alexander Ouellet
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.