Gotham Knights Batgirl screenshot
Gotham Knights Might Be Teasing Harley Quinn

Gotham Knights keeps releasing gameplay that makes me even more excited for it. Following the awesome Batgirl character trailer, there was some Batgirl gameplay released on social media, and it got fans talking. Some of the thugs in the gameplay showcase have people thinking a really famous Batman villain is going to appear. We already know Joker won't be in the game, but it's possible that Harley Quinn might make an appearance.

Here's the gameplay clip that's causing all the buzz.

First of all, I can see why people say the combat looks slower than the Arkham games. I think it's important to note that this isn't an Arkham game though. This is Gotham Knights, and as much as it may share similarities with the Arkham series, it is not a part of it. The gameplay doesn't even look that slow, in my opinion, and I thought Batgirls moves were showcased brilliantly.

Second of all, don't look for Harley Quinn herself. She isn't in the trailer, it's the thugs that Batgirl beats up that have people talking about Harley Quinn. If you look closely you'll notice they're wearing a color scheme reminiscent of the harlequin. Is this by any means a confirmation? No. In fact, the game's developers have been very quiet about which villains we'll see in Gotham Knights. We've seen Mr. Freeze in a gameplay trailer before, and the Court Of Owls is all over the teasers and trailers... but other than that we really don't know much.

We can rest assured knowing the game will feature other big Batman villains, as confirmed by the director of Gotham Knights Patrick Redding in an interview with CBR.

"What I can tell you broadly is all of the villains that we chose to include have a very specific history and relationship with Batman above and beyond just the adversarial aspect of it. And like our heroes, these are villains that are now having to reassess what their function is, where they sit in the ecosystem when their main adversary isn't around anymore."

Gotham Knights is releasing on October 25th, 2022.

Alexander Ouellet
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.