Batgirl concept art
Batgirl Concept Art is Gorgeous for HBO Max Movie!

The DC FanDome just happened on the weekend, and man, it was really fun. I know some people were disappointed by the lack of "new" reveals, but I had a great time. It was nice to have all these updates on projects we already knew about! If anything it's reassuring to see that DC is still working on all this stuff! The Batgirl movie came up, which is really awesome! That's one I'm super excited about, because, y'know, Batgirl! Leslie Grace, Barbara Gordon herself, made an appearance to talk about the upcoming film, and some of the people making it were there too! Best of all though, we got to see some absolutely gorgeous concept art! I mean, seriously gorgeous. Whenever this movie drops on HBO Max, I have a feeling it's going to be freaking beautiful.

Here's the concept art, for those who may have not seen it yet.

Batgirl Concept Art (DC Entertainment)

Some eagle-eyed fans have noticed something interesting about the art too. Though it's impossible to tell for sure, it sure looks like that's the Clocktower on the left. You know, the one that's normally associated with the Birds of Prey, the team that Barbara Gordon has been a part of numerous times. It could be a random clocktower too, but come on... the odds of that are unlikely, to say the least. Is it possible that this HBO Max Batgirl film could eventually set up some kinds of Birds of Prey crossover? Hey, it's not impossible! There is some kind of Birds of Prey project heading to HBO Max at some point, too! Batgirl and Black Canary teaming up? You son of a gun, I'm in!

Adil El Arbi, one of the directors, discussed the casting of Leslie Grace. It really sounds like Grace was born to play Batgirl. He even snapped his fingers while discussing it, and here's exactly what he said during the FanDome.

“There was something that... hit a nerve, and [we] felt like we were actually watching Barbara Gordon.”

Batgirl doesn't have a release date yet!

Alexander Ouellet
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.