Spy X Family episode 10 poster
Spy X Family Episode 10 Poster Released

I'm sad to say that Spy X Family is nearly at the end of its first cour. This first season of Spy X Family has been one of the most consistently funny and heartwarming anime of the season, and tons of people are going to miss the Forget family when it ends. There's been no word on season 2 yet, but fans are hoping. Personally, I see it as almost a guarantee after the almost universal praise the show has been receiving. It's become sort of a tradition to get a new poster celebrating the week's episode and this week was no different. The Spy X Family episode 10 poster shows us exactly what to expect from episode 10, and Anya's going hard in dodgeball!

Here's the poster!

So, you're probably wondering what the point of the dodgeball is? Well, we all know that Anya's success in school correlates directly to her father's success or failure. Anya was already off to a rough start when she punched Loid's target's son right in the face. She held nothing back as she demolished him. Though, it seems like it's caused the poor boy to develop something of a crush on Anya. Because of the physical assault though, Anya was punished with a Tonitrus Bolt. Now, Anya has to redeem herself and score some Stella Stars. She needs to earn enough to further Loid's plan and that's where the dodgeball comes in. Rumor has it that whoever does the best in the game of dodgeball will earn one of these coveted stars. Is it true? Will Anya prevail!? Well, you're going to have to check out Spy X Family episode 10 to find out!

If you've been following the series for the last ten weeks, you know where to watch it. And if you haven't started it yet, you really should. That is, assuming you can handle how adorable the show is. Like most anime that are distributed in North America, you can catch up on Spy X Family on Crunchyroll. New episodes air on Saturday mornings - but keep in mind there are only a couple of episodes left, sadly.

Alexander Ouellet
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.
Alexander is passionate about everything related to gaming, comics, television, and film. You can usually find him watching some kind of DC show.